Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HGTV coming to life?


I have spent WAY too much time this morning looking at umbrella stands, things I can use as an umbrella stand, how to make an umbrella stand.

I like this.

Storage bench, coat rack, etc. STATION!
Think I can make something like this:??

I have the mirror. I have the hooks. I'd make the cushion.

This could be the bench.
$14.99 at IKEA. Stain the wood to match the color of wood around the mirror.
Paint the white maybe--dark blue, like the bookcase I painted this summer.

Ok...I really need to clean/pack....


1 week from today

the boxes start moving!

Monday, November 9, 2009

40 South Street, Medfield, MA

Our address as of November 24th.



There's going to be lawns and roads between us and our neighbors!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Please pray. Pray we have to do the insane task of moving twice in the next 7 months, the first to be in 2 weeks. It's the best for the church, in every way, it's the smartest, safest, etc. It's admission that they can, will and are growing. It's what they promised us...the parsonage. Please pray. Emergency meeting tomorrow night at 7:30pm to decide whether to try to find another tenant or to have us move it. Pray and then pray some more. Pray for them (those that if something cost $5 and we have $4.98 will say "but we don't have enough money).


Saturday, November 7, 2009


To rent, to sell, to buy, to move.

To move, to sell, to buy, to move.

To sell, to buy, to move.

To sell...

To rent...

Two more days...hopefully we'll have an answer.