Friday, October 31, 2008

3rd day's gotta be the charm

You have no idea how precious this moment is, until you've been holding this wonderful little person basically non stop since 9 am and now it's 4:30pm. This is the first time he's been down and not cried to be held after about 5 min. all day. As I just told my neighbor, "There really are much worse things than my child wanting to be held and holding my child for hours on end." I just need to remind myself of that when my body feels tired, sore and numb from sitting and rocking and rocking and rocking and rocking...

Thursday, October 30, 2008


"I only ordered one coffee, not three."
"But you said 'Coffee, coffee, coffee'"
"I said 'CoffeeCoffeeCoffee, cuse people know I drink a lot of's my bit..."

~Lorelai Gilmore (as best as I can remember it)

I'm working on a large cup of coffee. Yesterday was long...Joseph didn't sleep for more than about 20 minutes at a time until about 4pm, then he slept for about 2 hours. And that was the longest stretch of the day. He even slept on Jon's chest in the middle of the night, cuse he just wanted to be held. Now, he's sitting in his chair, awake, but content.

Yesterday was the first day we were in the apartment all by ourselves all day. However, Jon was 2 minutes down the road in the office most of the day. Today, he's at a conference in Worcester, about an hour away. He'd leave if I needed him to, and I'm sure I won't, but I like that typically he's just around the corner. He's such a calming presence for me. I love him just being close. When he found out that my mom called me Velcro-baby, he said "Not much has changed in the past 25 years."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


My mom described me as being "Velcro-baby". To the point that I only wanted her. No one else would do. Just to be in my mom's arms was what I wanted as a baby. I have been blessed with a part time Velcro-baby myself. While some moments, he feels so heavy and I'd like to type with two hands instead of one (which I'm getting good at), other moments, I hold him just because it feels so amazing and wonderful to hold my sweet sleeping son in my arms, I don't want to put him down. Joseph is 2 weeks and 2.5 hours old and he is having a Velcro day. So far, Daddy's arms seem to work very well too!

Today is my first day at home with my baby boy and no one else. It's been great having my mom around and Jon being home when she wasn't here, but it's good now to be on my own, how life really will be on a daily basis, taking care of myself and Joseph...and of course, Oreo (the cat).

Jon and I were talking last night about the fact that JJ's two weeks old already! I think it was still while we were in the hospital that Jon said "I feel like he's always been a part of our lives." This was the sentiment that we were discussing last night. On the one hand, we can't believe it's been two weeks already! It feels like just a few days ago that we were cleaning the house for hopefully the last time before my going into labor (which never happened). On the other hand, it feels so natural him being here and taking care of him in our daily lives.

And now...I have a sweetly sleeping baby.