Friday, October 31, 2008

3rd day's gotta be the charm

You have no idea how precious this moment is, until you've been holding this wonderful little person basically non stop since 9 am and now it's 4:30pm. This is the first time he's been down and not cried to be held after about 5 min. all day. As I just told my neighbor, "There really are much worse things than my child wanting to be held and holding my child for hours on end." I just need to remind myself of that when my body feels tired, sore and numb from sitting and rocking and rocking and rocking and rocking...

1 comment:

cg said...

I can't get over how cute he is. You know how some babies are not cute even though a person will tell their parents they are. JJ isn't like that...he's actually cute!

I know you enjoy holding him, but I hope there are more moments where you can put him down to sleep and get a few things done for yourself.