Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Printer anxiety

I got a "new" printer at the dump last year...Now, let me stop right there and explain something for those of you who did not grow up in New England, because apparently, we're weird like this. Our "dumps" are now called "transfer stations" is where we can bring our trash, recycling and most have some form of a "swap shop". It's a place for unwanted things, working but no longer needed, can possibly find a useful home with someone else instead of just being put in the landfill. It's great!

Last year, I got a sandbox with cover for Joseph, sand toys, a slide, a printer, a bike (for Joseph), and iHome. My mom once found a Kitchen Aid Mixer that was better than hers!

So, the printer didn't have cables or ink. Fortunately, our cables from our current printer worked with it. It turned on, etc. We had JUST purchased this multi-multi pack of cartridges for our current printer. So, we decided to let that run out and then get some ink for the "new" one and make sure it printed, and then use that as our main printer. It's a better model than our old one. BUT, our old one is better than my Mom's. Her printer is just a printer, whereas our current one is a printer/scanner/copier and very compact! It would be a perfect fit in my mom's desk and she'd have a scanner again! Win win! So (yup, I said it again), we FINALLY were getting close to using up our ink and I was able to find some cheap to make sure that the new printer actually PRINTS. I got them yesterday and got it all set up and sure enough, it prints!!! After much research, I am still fighting to get the thing to be accessed remotely through our modem/router. This will make it MUCH easier to share the printer with Jon so we don't have to torture our poor wire by switching it from one desk to another.

The "new" one
I just e-mailed my brother for help...hopefully he can!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm about to do a crazy thing

Ok, so here it is....

My sister in law, Louann, does several things for work part time, a lot from home but also a lot where she's interacting with people she doesn't know all the time. She's great at it. I know I can do it well, cuse I've had to before and have been told I was good at it by bosses in the past. But in all honesty, I like the quiet of my home. (even as I type this, I have 2 two y/o running around).

SO...anyway...one thing Lou does is merchandising. You ever seen an "extra" coupon on a product in a store? Well, she'd be one of the people that gets paid to go to the stores and put them on. I think this job is in that realm.

Over the next 2 weeks, I will be driving all around Cape Cod, replacing a decal on 100 ATM's. All while getting a GOOD paycheck out of the deal. That's what basically made Jon and I figure out how to make this work...it's too good NOT to do. Here's the part that makes it THAT much more crazy...It's Easter season. Which in a pastor's life is the peak of crazy for the year. We pretty much won't see each other until May 1st. It's a lot of hours, in a short time, but it's only a short time. The GOOD side of it being during these crazy weeks for Jon is that I probably wouldn't have seen him much anyway.

So that's what I'm about to do. Even Lou said "It's crazy to have to get this all done by May 1st, but...hopefully we'll get it all done!" (there's a legal deadline on getting this done)

I will be spending Friday afternoons going down to the cape, running around until the stores close and then sleeping at my mom's and getting up and putting in a full half day work on Saturday then come back home to take over parenting so Jon can have some concentrated work time. Jon will also be solo parenting Sundays after church and ALL of Monday. He will probably be taking Joseph to do the bi monthly shopping trip.

I have a feeling I will be very "out of contact" for the rest of the month...HOWEVER!!! (I will blog about this in May, only 4 months late) Jon and I were FINALLY able (thanks to my additional jobs) to get smartphones. The plan was that Jon was going to get one before he started as a pastor. Serious lack of money prevented that. After 2 1/2 years, we were finally able to get these amazing tools that have already paid for themselves! So, for those you who text, we have fully entered the world of texting and have an unlimited family texting plan! I also will let you know that while I check my "regular"email all the time on my phone, I do have a new email that goes directly to my phone. Creatively (not!) it is veronique.chechile@gmail.com.

ok...it's nap time...hopefully...See you in a couple of weeks! Pray we all make it through...especially for Joseph. A lot is going to be different for him and he's started being picky about routines.