Sunday, October 28, 2012


I survived Hurricane Bob
(below is 1 mile from my house and not the worst damage)

I survived the Halloween storm of 1991 - it had no name then, but it was like a monster.

Bring it on, Sandy. I'm a tough New England girl.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Back to it

Well, it's been way too long, but I'm going to try to get back at it, so without further's what I did today...

After getting Joseph of to school, I took Amélie to her 4 month ok check up (can you believe that she's 4 months old?? The only thing I believe less is that Joseph is 4 YEARS old!!!) .
My take-after-daddy's girl is growing more in length than in weight, but nonetheless very healthy and "perfect " according to the doctor ( see, I'm not the only one). She weighed in at 12 lbs. 2 oz. and 25.5 inches long. I've concluded that she needs a size 3 month long. Wish it existed! Even the size 6 month one piece input on her today was too short in the arms and way too big in the body!

So, this afternoon I decided to tackle a project. Last Saturday I went shopping at one of my favorite places: the town dump. Now before you roll your eyes at me, we have an area at our dump where people can drop off unused items or others to take for free rather ham growing hem in the trash. The swap shop. I do VERY well there. I learned from my mom, she once got a kitchen aid mixer! This particular Saturday I got over $400 of baby gear! A couple things for others, but 3 big things for us. A high chair that hooks on to the table which I'm loving! So is Amélie!! I got a baby gate and a new double jogging stroller. Now, I have a handmedown of a handmedown one already, but it is not good for an infant and it technically folds up but not really. This "new" one goes for about $230 on Amazon. I cleaned up 90% of it ( didn't get the under side done) this afternoon with Amélie watching. I did manage to walk to the gas station to fill the tires with air and get to pick up Joseph before the rain started! Here's a few pics. Notice the left side that's clean and the right that was yet to be cleaned and Joseph kept putting his arm around Amélie's head! I love that he can be sitting up and she can be reclined. Tomorrow: the big park!

Before....folded up and quite dirty
Clean........Still dirty

My helper...she was on phone duty (we were also waiting for someone to stop by)

My peanut in her new high chair at the table!

I LOVE that both of them can ride in this. Joseph's on the big side, but it will make the trip HOME from the playground much easier!

Obi Wan