Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tomorrow can't be worse, right? WRONG!

This Tuesday, I was watching 2 yr old Matteo in addition to having my 2 yr old at home.

Here's the outline of the day...

I. Morning
A. 9am Drop off of Matteo
B. is normal, but I am very sore from much much yardwork the day before.
C. Joseph goes into the spice draw and shakes out a lot of Cinnamon sugar on the floor.
D. Matteo throws a toy over the gate (the rule of the house is "once something goes on the other side of the gate or couch, it's gone for the day" this happens to several toys EVERY day)
E. Matteo proceeds to throw a 40+ min tantrum over the lost toy...lots of it spend in the corner for time out until he can calm down
D. Joesph (who has never had a "in the corner time out") goes into the OTHER corner and faces the wall and starts crying, even though he has done NOTHING wrong!

II. Noon
A. Leftover pizza for is naptime, maybe the worst is over. Phew!

III. Naptime.
A. I decide I needed a bath. I was in a lot of pain and was stressed from the morning and felt gross.
B. After cleaning the bathtub, changing into a bathrobe, I heard some banging on a wall or door and now Joseph has been crying for a little bit. I decide to go check on him and try to calm him down so he doesn't wake up Matteo in the next room.......
C. Opened Joseph's bedroom door to find that Matteo had climbed out of the pack & play, MOVED the pack & play, opened the door connecting the guest room to Joseph's, fished out a "crib toy" (about a 12" X 8" plastic "aquarium" that you attach to the crib rails") out from way under the crib and got it AND HIMSELF UP and INTO JOSEPH"S CRIB WITH JOSEPH!!!!! Joseph is very upset
D. Corrected above situation. Went back to bathroom. Had to empty part of the tub because the water was TOO hot. Ended up sitting on the floor on the verge of tears with the laptop on top of the toilet with Gilmore Girls playing. Felt like the author of Eat Pray Love.
E. FINALLY took bath. When I came out, everyone was quiet.
F. Went to lie down for a few. Got a call, 10 min later, boys were up.

IV. Afternoon.
A. Begrudgingly went back downstairs with both boys (typically, Joseph has kept sleeping until 4-5pm and Matteo is up by 1:30-2pm and I only have one 2 year old for a couple of hours)
B. Boys play very happily. OH PHEW!!!
C. Talk to my mom on the phone. Vent, but say how good it is, 'cuse they're playing well now. That's all that matters in the end.
D. Quick trip to the bathroom and come out to find...........OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH..MMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY.................
E. BOTH boys have emptied ALL of the garlic, cinnamon, and cumin onto the floor, themselves, the rugs, the CLEAN laundry, the floor that Jon has spent HOURS cleaning the day before.
F. Now I REALLY want to cry.
H. Jon cleans up spices. Cooks dinner. I can't even remember what it was now, and was the day before yesterday.
I. Matteo goes home. I go to the hardware store to get something for the church meeting I have TONIGHT!

V. Evening
A. Oh RIGHT...Jon made nachos with homemade guac. SOO good.
B. 6:50pm, Joseph goes "nigh, night".
C. I leave my WONDERFUL husband to clean the kitchen for about the 4th time in just over 24 hours and go to the church.
D. Trustees were there early, so we started meeting early, then had a decent meeting...brief.
E. Stayed at the church and did what I was hoping to do for the 20 min before the meeting when I showed up early...practice the piano.
F. Went upstairs to the sanctuary and turned on minimal lights and sat down at the beautiful baby grand piano.
G. Practiced for an HOUR!!!!! I got a little carried away. It was sooo good.
VI. Nigh, Night.

Weds....slept in until 10am. 4 hours later realized that I TOTALLY spaced on a staff meeting at the library I was supposed to try to attend and never told anyone whether I was able to go or not. Got called on it via e-mail by my boss (not bad, but anything subtle affects me). Another not so good thing happened then cried for real. Jon bought me roses, food for "my favorite" and mint chocolate ice cream.

Today, I'm still tired, drained, lots of time-outs, but I do expect that with 2 year olds. So...finally better. Choir tonight! More music. I've missed it so much. May even stay late again and play the piano. SIDE NOTE: Over the half way point in my harp fund!!!!!! Over $600 raised in one year! I don't think I'll make it for Christmas this year....maybe next year....maybe...regardless, I can't wait and I keep accepting donations, one dollar at a time.

Doesn't your week seem better???

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cut off from the world

My computer is sick. It needs to go away to rehab and get better. We think it's the hard drive, plus some annoying flickering features of the screen. I hope this will be resolved soon. I'm not ignoring you on purpose.
