Saturday, August 29, 2009

Passing a love from one generation to another

It's soft, but if you listen closely, you'll realize that Joseph is dancing to the theme song of Gilmore Girls. He also likes the music to the credits at the end of an episode.

Friday, August 28, 2009

See if you can keep up

  • Baby proofing...oh the reality...the frustration. No, seriously. It's like trying to fit Kitchen Aid Mixer into a sandwich size ziplock bag and put it "up high" on a blank wall that things fall out of.
  •'s September in a few days. That means that my wonderful little boy will be 1 year old in 6 weeks! It's seriously freaking the crap out of me.
  • Have you ever heard of the story of "The cobblers son's shoes have holes in them"...ok, so that's the whole story, but I don't know what else to call it right now. Well, the pastor's kid has yet to be dedicated. So at this point (see above bullet) we're going to do a two for one party. Dedication and first birthday party after. One party, one set of expenses, one trip for the family, etc. Oh now..where to begin.
  • Want a house. Then half this stuff wouldn't be an issue.
  • My mom rocks.
  • Stars Hallow is a good place to go to get away from reality. Ironically, I'm facing the reality that I'm not facing the reality. Still makes me happy though.
  • We have had 2 different house guests the past 2 nights. The second one took us out to dinner last night. To SBW. Yup, that's right. We drove all the way up to Salem, MA (it was "meeting in the middle" for some other friends he wanted to see) and went to Salem Beer Works. I have not needed to open a menu at the BW in about 4 years. It made a very good end to a not good day. Thank you, Mike.
  • We just got something in the mail saying one of Jon's paychecks from Crosby's (almost a year ago) was never cleared. "Would you like us to issue you a new check?" YES PLEASE!!!
  • My wonderful husband is home for lunch. Later!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Catch up on blogging

Painting Project:

My old bookcase.
Sheet Metal, painted with chalkboard paint and colored chalkboard paint. Glued magnets to some sea glass. Presto! New message board.


I made homemade french fries for the first time. They were AMAZING...if I do say so myself.

Babyfood--the latest

I made a HUGE amount of food. Sweet potato, garlic, pastina, grilled chicken and carrots. I thought they would be fine, but apparently in the bigger glass jars, they were a little too warm going into the freezer. They cracked.


Joseph is enjoying his food though. Below, Kiwi and Avocado.
(He couldn't wait for me to cut it-Kiwi)


August 14th

Here is why I was a history major.
Why historian's are so misunderstood. Why I moved to France and moved back to submerse myself into Lincoln's life for 12 hours a day.

Let me step back. I have two devotionals. Though I don't get to read them both every day, usually when I get to read one, I get to read the other. The first is Biblically based called "Keeping God in the small stuff". I really enjoy it. It's exactly what I've been looking for for years. The other is a book that my mom got me for my birthday this year (fyi: My mom has bought me a book for my birthday for the past 27 years). It is for all intensive purposes an American devotional. It is called "The American Patriot's Almanac". For those of you who don't know or have forgotten, I'm a deep hearted patriot. The 1776 kind. I even have the outfit (that NONE of you have forgotten, I'm sure).
Moving on, today's clip of history was about the Liberty Tree. In case you can't read it, let me put what I read:

"On August 14, 1765, a group of Bostonians calling themselves the Sons of Liberty gathered under a a large elm tree to protest the Stamp Act imposed by England. From a branch they hung an effigy of the Boston official in charge of administering the hated Stamp Act tax. The elm became known as the Liberty Tree." (William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb)

First, class, does everyone know what an effigy is?
effigy - Definition
(n.)A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.
(n.)A likeness or image, especially of a person. · The American Heritage® Dictionary

That's right. Let me paint this picture. One night in Boston, a group of very angry people met in the center of town and had something probably resembling a scarecrow, tied a rope around his neck and hung him from a tree. Though Sam Adams (the beer) and Harppon were not there, there were pleanty of barley and hops around. This had been a cumulative expression. It did not come about because of something that happpened yesterday, it was about things that had been happening for years. So, here we are, downtown 1765 Boston, with a stuffed man hanging from a tree. The night sky is in full force and so is the Boston Mob. Yes, that's what the "Sons of Liberty" really were. This is where the nice story from my book gets fun. Why I enjoyed studying history. This is the stuff that they don't publish in the textbooks.

Andrew Oliver was hung in effigy. An angry mob yellping and yelling in enthusiasm. Enibriated and years of anger comming to a head, it is decided that making a lifesize voodo doll made to look like a man whose home and businness are within walking distance is simply not sufficient. The business was closest. The mob marched off to his business and took down the building brick by brick. BRICK BY BRICK. Just stop and think about how long that must have taken in 1765. No sledge hammers. No electrical machinery. Talk about some serious addrenelin. After accomplishing this (please think about what time this must have been) they headed back to the pub, had some more barely and hops, and determined that there was still more to be done. Next they went out (a few miles out of town) and did the same fate to Mr. Oliver's personal home that they had done to his business. Lucky for him, he was hiding out somewhere else and was not home at the time. Then they returned to Boston where I think they made one more stop at the pub before retiring home for the, well...morning at that point.

Wouldn't you have stayed awake in history class if they were filled with stories like this one? Or am I just a dork?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Couch time

The past couple of days have been cloudy and I have been sick...yes, still. (It is progressing upward and outward though!)

I was DETERMINED to go to storytime at the library. I'm hoping to do one of the classes starting in the fall. Not a lot of money, but just enough to pay for a data plan that goes with an iPhone. Plus, I can bring Joseph and it's a 10 min walk and during a time when Jon is in the office. So, I went..rather, we went. While at the library, I took out a few movies. I am VASTLY OVERQUALIFIED for the self checkout at our library, and when I got there didn't realize how many movies I had picked up. Oh well, I'm sick. I need to rest and vege.

I got out two videos for Joseph. Baby Einsitein's Orchestra and Baby Brain-The Right Brain. Neither of which he's watched.

The movies I got out for myself however...well..they've almost all been watched. Mostly girly light dorky ones, but here's my list.

A Good Year
Message in a Bottle
Mamma Mia!
Frost / Nixon

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I hate it. Especially in the summer. I've had a bad cough that sounds like I've coughed up more lungs than I possess. So hard that it makes me feel lightheaded. Now, my whole sinuses are stuffed. In some ways it's worse, but the moving up from chest to nose means it's working it's way out of my body. That's how it works in me. But, I'm so ready for it to be over. I feel like crap.

Thank you for listening.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We try so hard to conceive and it's a lot of work and cost to bring them into this world, nesting, making the world around you open to accepting this new child, lots of sleepless nights and exhausting days, all to make the world around you "baby proof".

a combining form meaning “resistant, impervious to” that specified by the initial element: burglarproof; childproof; waterproof. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

Does this feel a little contradictory or is it just me?

Reminder: We live in a small apartment with all of our possession in these four walls. No storage. I'm good at making the most of small spaces, but that does include having a lot of stuff around, under things, tucked in corners. HOWEVER, under the couch, up against the wall and stacked on top of the speakers are NOT out of the reach of a mobile child.

Just a few things in front of me or off the top of my head (even closer than right in front of me)
  • Books on the bookshelf
  • Shoes by the door
  • Wires behind the TV, DVD player, VCR and receiver
  • DVDs
  • The lightweight metal shelves full of DVDs that Jon gently pulled on the other day and saw how easily they could come falling down on top of our dear little curious boy
  • the "top" of the coffee table...aka a cabinet door front that I cleverly put handles on to turn our handmedown ottoman into a coffee table. Joseph's already tried to pull himself up by the handles. He can't crawl or stand yet.
Oh boy......HELP!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I officially posted something for sale on Craigslist for the first time.