Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We try so hard to conceive and it's a lot of work and cost to bring them into this world, nesting, making the world around you open to accepting this new child, lots of sleepless nights and exhausting days, all to make the world around you "baby proof".

a combining form meaning “resistant, impervious to” that specified by the initial element: burglarproof; childproof; waterproof. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

Does this feel a little contradictory or is it just me?

Reminder: We live in a small apartment with all of our possession in these four walls. No storage. I'm good at making the most of small spaces, but that does include having a lot of stuff around, under things, tucked in corners. HOWEVER, under the couch, up against the wall and stacked on top of the speakers are NOT out of the reach of a mobile child.

Just a few things in front of me or off the top of my head (even closer than right in front of me)
  • Books on the bookshelf
  • Shoes by the door
  • Wires behind the TV, DVD player, VCR and receiver
  • DVDs
  • The lightweight metal shelves full of DVDs that Jon gently pulled on the other day and saw how easily they could come falling down on top of our dear little curious boy
  • the "top" of the coffee table...aka a cabinet door front that I cleverly put handles on to turn our handmedown ottoman into a coffee table. Joseph's already tried to pull himself up by the handles. He can't crawl or stand yet.
Oh boy......HELP!

1 comment:

cg said...

i can't imagine trying to baby proof everything I own.

Good luck!! (: