Friday, August 14, 2009

Catch up on blogging

Painting Project:

My old bookcase.
Sheet Metal, painted with chalkboard paint and colored chalkboard paint. Glued magnets to some sea glass. Presto! New message board.


I made homemade french fries for the first time. They were AMAZING...if I do say so myself.

Babyfood--the latest

I made a HUGE amount of food. Sweet potato, garlic, pastina, grilled chicken and carrots. I thought they would be fine, but apparently in the bigger glass jars, they were a little too warm going into the freezer. They cracked.


Joseph is enjoying his food though. Below, Kiwi and Avocado.
(He couldn't wait for me to cut it-Kiwi)


1 comment:

cg said...

those french fries look delicious. and i can't believe how big he is, he's grown so much in 2 months! he sure does love food...a little man after my own heart!