Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today I became my husband

This afternoon, I decided to try something new.....

And Joseph and I went.....






And then.....

This was around 2:45pm....it is now 7:20pm....He should be waking soon, but I'm seriously considering putting him back in this configuration for overnight sleeping. My son hates the bassinet. If we don't figure something else out soon, Mommy and Daddy either need to get a bigger bed or some serious Chiropractic adjustments.

This one is just cute! My beautiful boy!

P.S. Jon paces.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Back to life...


We had a crazy weekend. Wonderful, but crazy. In our little apartment, we managed to have 5 adults and 4 children ranging from less than 1 month to 4 years old. Plus Oreo. We did it! It was wonderful to have everyone here, get to sit around and just talk and enjoy each others company. Watch our nieces run around and sing and dance. I love that "the elder Chechile children" are so close, and the two of us that married into this group have melded into to part of the group. To the point that I tend not to call my sister in law, "in law" just "sister" and Jon's sister in law is "my sister in law". No more separation necessary.

Rebecca left on Monday night and my mom came up yesterday. We went out and went shopping for most of the day, busy, but fun again. It's always great to see her and have her around. I'm excited because we get to see her again on Sunday. We are FINALLY (we've been trying for over a year) getting together with my cousins and brother, etc. for a big family afternoon/dinner. I can't wait. At the same time, I'm looking forward to today and tomorrow where I am not planning on going anywhere. I need some time at home, get things back in order, rest, keep going on projects that seem to take FOREVER to do. For example, Thank you notes. I think I've been writing Thank you notes for 6 months and they always seem to take SOO long in relation to when I actually receive something I'm grateful for. I feel ridiculous for it taking so long and it honestly is no reflection of how I feel. I don't know why or how it happens exactly. I'm trying to work on it though. I've gotten almost all of them written this am that were on my list to do. I have 3 e-mails and one phone call (maybe..) then they'll be done!

...Back to reality...

Friday, November 7, 2008


It is 9:10am. I have eaten, had sipps of coffee, been able to talk with my husband and hug him sans Joseph, and I think I might be able to get my contacts in...before Joseph wakes up! A little after 11pm last night, Jon got a call from one of is best friends who's mom is making it one day at a time. He went out in the living room to talk with him and I was feeding Joseph (for I think the 3rd time in an hour) in the bedroom. I tried to put him down, but it didn't work. He needed to sleep. I went out and gave him to Jon and went back to bed. (I found out this morning that Joseph did the same thing to Jon for about 30 min as he's been doing to me for the past few days...upset and we can't figure out why). He rocked with him while he talked, then brought him to bed and laid Joseph on his chest the way he likes for a while. Then put him in the bassinette. He didn't wake up until a little before 5am! I actually came out to the rocking chair and watched the news for 30 min. while feeding him. Then, I put him back in the bassinette and climed back under the covers and Jon woke me up a little after 8am...and Joseph's still sleeping!! Jon and I concluded that as much as I want the sleep, it was better when I was able to eat something and still have Jon here to take Joseph if need be.

So, I'm fed, starting to get caffinated and I feel rested, because I got to sleep for almost 6 straight hours. Yeah!

We're having company this weekend. We have a crazy weekend..Here's the schedule

Sat am: Go to CBD Warehouse Sale

Sat pm: Nate, Liz, Alicia, Abby and Anna come from VT to spend the night

Sat??: Rebecca is trying to get a flight to come up for the weekend too

Sat pm: Potluck at the Church...we're going to bring extra brownies, cuse our clan alone might double the attendees

Sat pm: So, Nate and Liz will be on the air matteress in the nusery, with Anna in the crib and Abby in the pack and play..we have to move a few things out of the room first. Rebecca will go on the couch and Alicia will go either in the living room or our room on the mattress of the papizan chair. I will hopefully not be changing diapers in the dark on our bed...we'll see...

Sun am: Get up and out the door for church. I'm hoping Becca does get to come up so Jon can go to work and do his thing alone and she can drive me and Joseph when we're all ready.

Sun pm: Visit till about 2, which isn't much time after church. Then, Jon has to go to an Ordiation Council for someone...somewhere...I will stay home with whomever is left and if it's just Joseph and I....pray we sleep!

It's a good thing I absolutly LOVE and LIKE having all of these people around. It'll be exhausting, but I can't wait to see everyone.

wish you were here too...

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yesterday this was how I felt. Regarding everything. Joseph slept pretty well during the night, but that can only be so restful for Mommy. He woke up (yet again) just as Daddy was going off to work (it's amazing how he know...or just one weird coincidence). We've come to about 9am. It was after 10:30am before I was able to get myself a bowl of cereal, which I scarfed down in order to attend to my sons needs, again. This continued until about noon at which point, I heated up some leftovers and got to check my e-mail...not sure if I'd be getting 5 minutes or 5 hours. I posted a question to my sister-in-law with 3 children on her facebook, "Does it get any easier?" About 10 minutes later, she called me, offering advice and support. Not long after I hung up the phone, it started again. I tried everything, holding, not holding, walking, rocking, in his chair, in the car seat, in the crib, sitting up, laying down, face up, face down. You name it, I tried it! I couldn't figure out what he wanted. Usually it's a short list, eat, diaper, gas, sleep. One of them is usually the answer. Yesterday, for hours on end, well..I still have no idea what it was. All this time I'm thinking about how I have several phone calls to make. Joseph needs to get another ultrasound in a couple of weeks. I need to go to the docs for a check up in a couple of weeks. We all need to go to the Chiro. Jon and I have been needing to order contacts forever...

Here is my greatest vent regarding silly contacts..

About a year ago, my mom came to visit us for a few days. She brought Hailey, her big black beautiful Newfoundland dog...aka. bear. Mom and I went out and Jon stayed at home to study. Hailey was facing away from Jon, laying down, content and quiet. Later that day, we realized that she was eating my glasses. The frame was a tangled mess, and the lenses, well...we never saw them again. She has a thing for plastic. Having the horrid vision that I do, I had to get them replaced and quick. My gracious Mom paid for a new pair of glasses and I paid for the exam, including a contact exam. I explained the situation to the owner of the eye place, told her my old contacts were still fine, my prescription changed just slightly, but I had 8 or 9 months of my old contacts left. I told her I wanted to use them up before getting new ones. She said she completely understood. So, 8 or 9 months later, I called to get my new prescription. I got so frustrated with the office. I called to get the trials, first the lady thought I needed to see the doctor again, then no I didn't, just pick up the lenses. Then we started moving, changing jobs, having Joseph, etc, etc. We just never got around to getting the new ones ordered. Guess what has happened now? We can't order new contacts online because our prescriptions have expired. Jon got new glasses..same prescription a couple of years ago, and started wearing his glasses again. He goes through phases of wearing one or the other. So, now, we have to both find a new doc, get examined again, and get new prescriptions so we can get new contacts. And, I'm not sure if our insurance covers the exams at all or not. Hopefully so, cuse we really don't need another medical bill.

But, Joseph is sleeping at the moment. Glass half full, right? Silver lining? It's gray outside, kinda silver. :)

Thank you for listening.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hours that become days that become weeks that become months

This morning...not sure if it was at 4 something am or 7 or 9, all of which I was quite drowsy at....I looked down at my son and thought, "Wow! In a week and a half, you're going to be a month old". I can't believe our small chunks of time together, one feeding to the next, one nap to the next (hopefully) have added up to so many hours, so many days, to the point that before we know it, he will be a month old.

You know how when you're younger and you started dating someone, and you clocked it by weeks and months..we had month anniversaries. Which, is contradictory in itself. The whole "anni" part of the word. I'll have to ask my Greek scholar what the root of "month" is to coin a new word "monthversaries". Jon and I realized it once we got married that we stopped counting. Jon told someone once, "Once you get married, you're shooting for decades, not months."

This weekend was very busy, and I hope to share more on it later, but for now, this perfect little boy requires my other typing hand