Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Back to life...


We had a crazy weekend. Wonderful, but crazy. In our little apartment, we managed to have 5 adults and 4 children ranging from less than 1 month to 4 years old. Plus Oreo. We did it! It was wonderful to have everyone here, get to sit around and just talk and enjoy each others company. Watch our nieces run around and sing and dance. I love that "the elder Chechile children" are so close, and the two of us that married into this group have melded into to part of the group. To the point that I tend not to call my sister in law, "in law" just "sister" and Jon's sister in law is "my sister in law". No more separation necessary.

Rebecca left on Monday night and my mom came up yesterday. We went out and went shopping for most of the day, busy, but fun again. It's always great to see her and have her around. I'm excited because we get to see her again on Sunday. We are FINALLY (we've been trying for over a year) getting together with my cousins and brother, etc. for a big family afternoon/dinner. I can't wait. At the same time, I'm looking forward to today and tomorrow where I am not planning on going anywhere. I need some time at home, get things back in order, rest, keep going on projects that seem to take FOREVER to do. For example, Thank you notes. I think I've been writing Thank you notes for 6 months and they always seem to take SOO long in relation to when I actually receive something I'm grateful for. I feel ridiculous for it taking so long and it honestly is no reflection of how I feel. I don't know why or how it happens exactly. I'm trying to work on it though. I've gotten almost all of them written this am that were on my list to do. I have 3 e-mails and one phone call (maybe..) then they'll be done!

...Back to reality...

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