Monday, November 3, 2008

Hours that become days that become weeks that become months

This morning...not sure if it was at 4 something am or 7 or 9, all of which I was quite drowsy at....I looked down at my son and thought, "Wow! In a week and a half, you're going to be a month old". I can't believe our small chunks of time together, one feeding to the next, one nap to the next (hopefully) have added up to so many hours, so many days, to the point that before we know it, he will be a month old.

You know how when you're younger and you started dating someone, and you clocked it by weeks and months..we had month anniversaries. Which, is contradictory in itself. The whole "anni" part of the word. I'll have to ask my Greek scholar what the root of "month" is to coin a new word "monthversaries". Jon and I realized it once we got married that we stopped counting. Jon told someone once, "Once you get married, you're shooting for decades, not months."

This weekend was very busy, and I hope to share more on it later, but for now, this perfect little boy requires my other typing hand

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