Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Jon and I were on vacation last week. We went to my mom's on the Cape. Jon gave me his iPhone as soon as we got in the car and while I did let him have it a little (i.e. when I left him and JJ at the beach so he would have it in case of emergencies) he was VERY good at letting go. We spent a lot of time on the beach and by the last day, Joseph was begging to go back to the beach with Daddy.

We left later than expected. I got the opportunity to work ALL day on Monday(which we desperately needed the money, so we were very grateful for it). So, we left Monday night instead of Sunday night. Not the end of the world.

Tuesday we slept as late as possible and we went out to get some groceries for the week and we all (my mom too) went for a long walk around the shore of Kalmus beach. This is one of my favorite beaches. There's a calm, harbor side, then a much more active side. Connecting the two is a long jetty that I love to walk.

Wednesday, Jon's sisters came to the Cape. This is the first time we've ever spent time with just the two girls. It's amazing to see how much they have both changed in the last 7 years. Becca got to meet Amélie and even though it was a quick trip, it was worth it! We miss her so much.

The next few days were full of lots of good fish for supper and lots of beach time. Fresh veggies from the neighbor's garden and LOTS of that wonderful salt air.