It has been a long while my friends. And I know that you all are patient and understanding, and most importantly, you all love me despite my occasionally slacking in my blog. I also know that you all know why I have been MIA for almost a month.
We have moved. Into a house. Some of you have lived in houses, owned homes, well, other than my mom's house and my last year at Gordon, I have not lived in a house. Further, Jon and I have never lived in a house. Since we got married we have lived in small apartments. I reminisce on those times a lot lately (especially now that my dear friend, Claragrace, is have very similar experiences that Jon and I did when we were first married). I love my life now and I adore my son, but I realize how wonderful and special those times where when it was just me and my husband in our little space we could call our own. Our first apartment could fit in our current kitchen. Now that things have changed in so many ways, I'm extremely grateful for the space.
We are just about done with the downstairs, which is good, because we set for ourselves a deadline. This coming Sunday. From 2-5pm this Sunday members of our congregation will be welcomed into our home adorned in Christmas decorations and join us in conversation, bites to eat and warm cider (that's the ONLY thing I know I want to have--yes, I know it's only a few days away).
I spent today trying to finish the decorating and picking up of the last few random things left around downstairs. I have just a few things left and lighted up our porch.
...well it's an hour and a half later from the last period. Joseph woke up and I took care of him and have been switching laundry, tending to dinner and emptying the dishwasher. Life as a domestic goddess. I think this was all I was going to say in addition...
Here are some pictures of my Christmas-clad house, most likely there will be one or two of my TODDLER!! (Does anyone else believe he's 14 months old today? I don't), and one of the hot chocolate that I was sipping when I started this. It was then abandoned for a crying child and when the picture was taken it was anything but hot.
Enjoy! I wish you all could be here with me!
Our house
Gorgeous, gorgeous. I LOVE the christmas tree and all the close ups of the ornaments! It's so festive. And, thanks for reminding me to be content with just the two of us...I'm dying here for a pet! But, I really do love the newlyweddingness that is our life. It's wonderful.
And, really, 14 months!?! Are you kidding me! Boy, does time fly.
Good luck getting everything ready for your par-TAY!
Love you!
Oreo was our first baby and he does remind us of that from time to time. He helped keep me company when Jon was busy at class or studying. You should get a pet!!! Something soft and furry that LOVES you!
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