Friday, May 7, 2010

To miss

You don't miss those you don't enjoy being around. Some people may think it's strange, but I say it's the mark of a good relationship; when you miss someone. I think that those you are closer with, you can genuinly miss after not a long period of time. If you were with someone you love dearly literally 24/7 for a week and then they were gone for 2 days, it would feel so much longer, because of the amount of time you became accustomed to spending with each other.

While my husband and I hardly spend 24/7 together, we see each other during the day and talk and e-mail most days when we are not physically in the same space. (In full disclosure, we sometimes e-mail when we are physically in the same space)

Jon stayed home this morning and worked until he had to leave at noon to go to our denomination's annual gathering in western MA. Pittsfield, MA. I've been there. It's basically as far west in MA as you can get. It took him about 3 and a half hours to get there. The event is from 4-9pm tonight. This means he will leave Pittsfield probably closer to 9:30 (hopefully) and then drive home. To bute, it is prom night throughout MA, so he is expecting to have to go through random check points on his trek home. I'm expecting he will arrive home in the vicinity of 1 am. THIS means, I am the only parent and I will be going to bed alone. There is nothing I hate more than going to bed alone. I think the anticipation of what is to come combined with his absence already today is making me miss him that much more.

I'm also not feeling that great today. Allergies especially are dragging me down. It's a beautiful day and I've gotten out a couple times, but all I really wanted to do was curl up on the couch and watch a movie I borrowed from the library. I tried to get Joseph to take a nap, but it's not working.

Time to be the responsible parent all while missing the other.

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