Friday, March 13, 2009

A story from years past...

It's been too long. I've been bad. I know. Please forgive me. I have dedicated a lot of my time, thoughts, brain power and energy to a very good friend whose dealing with a very bad thing.

I was on Facebook a few days ago and received an invitation to join a group called "Friends of Drew Hall at Gordon College". I lived their my first year at Gordon and I loved it. In looking through the other members I came across a name of someone, a friend of a friend that I recently reconnected with. He's the youth pastor at a local church, close to where we live now. If Jon weren't a pastor, we go to this guy's church. It's what we aim to be at our church. I recognized his name, not his face and told him who I was. He remembered and we chatted on and off throughout the day. I talked with his wife about starting a pastor's wives group. It was great just knowing someone in the area that came from the same school as me. I found his name in this group of Drewbies on Facebook. I sent him a message saying "I didn't know you lived in Drew". In putting together pieces from his response, I realized that we knew some other mutual people. We had lived with mutual people. One in particular. One of my best friends from Gordon that lived in Drew for most of his time at Gordon (Dude!). I asked this guy if he knew Dude. He responded with a story about him. How could I forget?? It is one of my favorite stories. I didn't ask either of them if I could share this with the world, so out of respect for them, I'm giving them fake names. (though if you know me, you probably know who Dude is)

So, Dude and Stan were living in the quad, the 4 man room in Drew Hall. It was early in the semester and Dude was sleeping on the top bunk for the first time. I believe it was Stan's alarm (if not, it was one of the other's alarm) went off early in the am. It sounded just like Dude's Dad's business line, a ring in which when heard was supposed to be answered IMMEDIATELY back home. When said noise awoke Dude from a sound sleep, his instinct was to run to answer it. In sleepiness forgetting where he was, especially how high he was, lept out of bed to get the "phone". The story goes that he opened his eyes as he was parallel to the ground, mid-air and basically did a belly "flop" (perhaps belly "land" or "plop" or "slam") on the ground, just in between a desk and a couch. I think he narrowly missed a guitar as well. Dude is not a big guy, tall, but slender. His landing was heard and felt throughout the hall. Granted Drew Hall is basically a camp cabin with no foundation, but STILL!!

He survived and I don't know of anyone who knew this story that has not recounted it with a smile on their face.

Side note: I don't trust my spelling, it wasn't good as a child, and after studying a foreign language more intensely, it got worse. I always do spell check. How is Muggle in the dictionary and not Facebook???

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