Friday, February 20, 2009

The green couch

The green couch is famous. We've all been there. Lounged, laid, slept (both on the cushions and the pull out bed), freaked out, talked on the phone, cried, laughed, even gotten a little tipsy (DAVID"S HEART!). Please accept my apologies for this blog full of inside jokes.

My senior year of Gordon, I rented a house in Rockport (very intelligibly called "Rockport house") with one of the landlord's daughters (Martha) and one of my roommates from Gordon (Claragrace). Because Martha's parent's own the house and still summer there, we have been able to visit our Rockport House from time to time. Almost every 4th of July, we're there, and are always invited to their annual party. This school year, they are not renting the house out to college students. One big reason is going to join us in just a couple of weeks. Joshua Mackenzie Theriault is due to be born soon! Martha's mom and sister hosted a baby shower for Martha and to-be-baby-Joshua earlier this Rockport House. Joseph and I went up to Cape Ann, drove up and down Bass Rocks, and headed the back way to my first "home away from home" on Summer Street. This was Joseph's first time at the house since being born.

While there, I couldn't resist taking his picture of the famous "GREEN COUCH". I tell everyone that will listen that there is still an impression of my butt on the left side (while seated on the couch) where I sat for nearly a week straight and fried my computer and my brain of history; writing over a hundred pages of times, things, people, and customs (and costumes) of the past. In sum: I finished my college degree on that couch.
I don't know that Martha's parents will ever get rid of this couch, but I think they've gotten the point that they are not allowed to pitch it or sell it. At least not to anyone other than me. I have so many memories on that couch. It was my retreat from campus the year before I lived there, when my roommates were driving me crazy and I was desperate to catch up on schoolwork after starting off the semester in FRANCE! It was my comfy spot to watch Gilmore Girls with CG while drinking Mike's limeade and eating Chinese food. A breakup and new love happened on that couch. And as I said earlier, it is where I overcame my ADD and wrote so many papers to finish my 20 credit last semester in order to GRADUATE!! It is where some of my best friends and family sat in celebration of CG's and my graduation. And every time we go up to Rockport to visit, Jon and I have to sit on it and take a deep breath and remember all that the couch, the house and Cape Ann mean to us. It is after all, where we met, liked, loved, became engaged and created our beautiful little boy.
So, now that I've reminisced about times past and droned on about a piece of's a picture.

1 comment:

cg said...

oh, the green couch. Such significance, such importance, such memories!

I'm glad that little JJ got to experience the green couch; he sure looks happy to sit on it! Wish I had been there for the baby shower.