Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sad day

I can't believe I'm saying this already: My little baby is growing up. I am in awe. We put him in the pack and play tonight (I'll give an update tomorrow on whether he makes it through). So far, so good. He's getting too big for his bassinet. Seeing him sleeping in a "crib" for the first time at night is just weird and saddening.

We had another first earlier today. It was almost 50 degrees (but very windy) today! We bundled Joseph up and put him in the stroller... sans car seat... and went for a walk. He loved it and I couldn't believe how big he was in the stroller.

I can't think of any other words to describe it are a few thousand words instead

The moon at the end of our was SO beautiful!

That white under him is the "mattress" from the bassinet. His feet are just over the edge at one end and he has about 2 inches above his head..just to give you an idea of how much he room he has "left" in the bassinet.

Last night, I got to I got to sleep for 7 hours straight!!! I hope that happens tonight!

1 comment:

cg said...

Ok, so the picture of JJ in the stroller with his arms out, reminds me of a new englander kid that got bundled up so much that he can't put his arms down. He's so cute.

And, I can't believe that he's so big! He's going to be all grown up by the time I see him.