Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trying to catch up...

I'm going to try to write more in the next few weeks, in an attempt to catch you all up on the goings on of my life.


Here is my disclaimer. They will not be in chronological order AT ALL!!! I know I have lots of things to share about Christmas and Council, but I will simply have to write what I can squeeze enough time for at that moment. Jon is cooking dinner, Joseph mysteriously went back down for a 3rd nap..though the other two were not so great..and I should be typing hymn lyrics into a powerpoint, but instead, here I am.

Now that that's written and done. Here's my brief blog...

FINALLY, my mom has this:

A purple 4th Generation
16GB iPod nano.

..............with lots of great accessories.

Given to her in lots of small packages opened at our home on Christmas Eve, almost every one opened with the comment
"No, Veronique. It's too much!"

with one exception..............................................

When going on our "field trip" to the Apple Store, my mom saw the "socks" for iPods. You know what I'm talking about. The little scarf-case-cozy for an iPod. I told her (this was in July) "I'll make you one".

Well, I made good on my promise and here it is. It was simple enough and you can't buy one that has been laced up like a corset (yeah, you read that right and if you know me well, you're not surprised)

It laces all the way up, then comes up and over the top...

...and secures over a mother of pearl button to keep the iPod safely tucked inside.

Enjoy Mom!

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