Saturday, February 20, 2010


I struggle with addiction...

I'm Veronique, and I'm a bookaholic.

Lately, the majority of books I've read, I've actually listened to. I started listening to a book on cd when I would have trouble sleeping. It worked to distract my mind from the monotonous circle of thoughts that prevents me from falling asleep. I switched from a CD to my iPod. I now keep my iPod under my pillow on a regular basis...only bringing it out when I'm so invested in a book that I bring it downstairs and in the car. I went to the library today to get a book on cd that my mom was having trouble finding. We're going down to visit her tomorrow, and I told her I would get this for her. I completely spaced and remembered this afternoon 45 min before the library closed. I told Jon and got in the car and headed to the next town over where the book, Founding Mothers, was resting on a shelf just waiting to be listened to.

I went for the one. I got 6. One is SO long, it takes two cases ( I think it's over 20 cds).

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