I'm back. I didn't mean to go for quite as long, but I did and now I'm back....help me, friends, stay back. Let me go back...
It's July 26. Since I last blogged, I've had a lot happen. The biggest event, is the long awaited arrival and then fast and a bit scary delivery of our daughter.
Amélie Maryse Chechile was born on June 16 at 8:38am, 6lbs 14oz, 20.5 inches long. I don't think I can tell the whole story of her birth now, but soon, I will. Let's just say it felt like an eternity at first and then like the TGV (which stands for something that means "High speed train" in French").
I'm staging a comeback today. I FINALLY accomplished (well, all but accomplished..still have to go to the post office) a thank you gift that I've been trying to get together for embarrassingly way too long and I think it was one big task that I've needed to get done before I could move forward and get back into "regular" creative tasks. Granted I have several other MAJOR projects I need to do, I'm going to be hopeful and try my hardest to get these things back into my everyday life: writing here, doing weekly photography assignments to learn and improve my photography skills, play music and practice calligraphy.
All of that on top of taking care of my kids and trying to keep up with housework. I'm so bad at it. Partly because I think there are other things that are more important to do with my time (i.e. taking the time to raise my kids well) and also cuse I'm just BAD at it. Always have been...my bedroom was ALWAYS a mess. My school notebooks however was OCD level organized and neat. Go figure.
One project you can all look forward to seeing soon is a before and after picture of our office desk. IT'S BAD right now. I think the "dump pile" is over a foot and a half high.
So keep on me friends if I haven't posted. I hope my posts/pics are interesting enough for you all to help me with this. I don't know if having a goal is wise at the moment or not, considering the ups and downs of life with a newborn, but I suppose if I don't at least have a goal, wether I meet it or strive to meet it, I will NEVER meet it. So, here it is: One weekly photography assignment and one prose blog post.
Below is this week's photo assignment...it's kinda a cheat one, because all I had to do was find two pics to compare how much my photography has improved. Granted, my camera improved SIGNIFICANTLY!!! I'm hoping to be able to get to the point of selling prints (I think) of my photos.
And...one last thing...Amélie is waking up so, here's a picture of her from the other day.
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