Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mission Accomplished

This has been the state of our office desk for MONTHS...thus the pile up!
Pretty bad, I know. It's a combination of legitimate things that belong on the desk, other bags and boxes of compiled stuff from downstairs that were just thrown up here in attempt to get downstairs clean, and well....frankly, I DON"T KNOW!

For weeks now, Jon has said "I'm going to try to get the desk done today" and low and behold, it just kept getting put on the back burner. Either appropriate priorities took place (i.e. playing with our kids) or other house cleaning projects moved way up because they were places we needed to deal with for our daily lives.

So, yesterday, Jon and Joseph went grocery shopping. This is a several hour venture as we only do it twice a month and usually go to at least two stores almost a 30 min drive away. While they were out i decided to get this surface cleared off...finally! I knew if I could accomplish that, it would make Jon's day because i know its been bugging him for a long time (fyi..it's a mutual desk and mess).


Now in all fairness, I did not file, but i did sort and throw out a TON of papers, etc. See that small neat pile on the right, that's what's left on the desk to do-it's all filing.

AND I left nothing on the floor!

Here's my sweat pea who watched me sort:

She may have the longest eyelashes of us all!

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