Tuesday, October 27, 2009


A parishioner recently said "We've got to get you a harp!". That is not a possibility, nor do I want the church to buy a harp (there are much more important things to spend money on there and I want to own my own). But, that combined with starting to play around on a piano at church and practicing with the choir, has sparked my music bug. My thought for a few years now was to sell my harp and buy a smaller one. I love folk harps, the way they sound, feel, ease of transportation. I hate playing big concert harps. While was in college it didn't make sense to bring my harp up to the North Shore; I really didn't have time to practice. Then when I graduated I moved into a postage stamp sized apartment (seriously) and then to a little bigger one, but neither could house my harp. So, it remained at my mom's house. Protected under its cover.

Back to current time: I decided that it could actually work to try to do what I wanted, sell my old one and get a new one. I even found a perfect new one; technically a used one-so even better price. In fact, for a harp, incredible price ($1,100-concert harps can go for tens of thousands of $; a new one of the kind I have goes for about $5,000). I knew there was a small crack in the soundboard of my harp. I decided to take a look at it again and see how it was yesterday when we were at my mom's. At first, I thought "Oh wow. It's not as bad as I remember, in fact, I don't even see the crack." Then, on the other side:Yikes. I barely know what to think now. I see my dream of having a harp again just fly out the window. I literally cried over this. I feel stupid. I don't need this. It is an inanimate object. Though I can't deny that it has been a good friend since I was 8.

Ravenna 26 (full levers, case) Ash/Black (S/N 11211)
This is the one I want. (Oh yeah, and it's IN Salem, MA)

This is mine. See where the strings come down into the soundboard? See that lighter piece of wood pulling away from the darker? It's bellowed up and out of the soundboard.


1 comment:

cg said...

Oh no! That's horrible. It's ok to cry about it. I don't think that's silly in the least. It may be an object, but it's not just an object. It holds value and that's no simple thing to move on from.

On another note, I hope sometime in the future I'll be able to hear you play. I'm sure you sound beautiful!