Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Creative ways to save

I found this on another friend's blog and decided to do it, too. Being a pastor's wife and a 90% stay at home mom, I have to tap deeper into my creative brain to find and take advantage (in a good way) of opportunities like these where I can put in some effort, some creativity and be blessed by some free product.

Having a love for graphic design and photography, this one really touched my heart. I need to write a blog post about http://www.shutterfly.com/

I did a lot of research when I was pregnant with Joseph for his birth announcement. I like this one

I like SO many of the Christmas cards on Shutteryfly...but there's something that I REALLY like about this one...

There's room inside for additional pictures and family updates. This would be so great for us, because, being a pastor's family, we are often busy when our friends and family are free to talk. As a result I love the idea of being able to give an update for each of us. It would be a nice way to connect with all of our friends that live so far away. Joseph turned two this year and MANY people have never met him and MANY have not seen him in over a year. The picture uploader is easy, too... http://www.shutterfly.com/upload-pictures/ A picture really does say a thousand words. Joseph has changed so much between ages 1 and 2, it's truly amazing. I look forward to getting to share it with everyone (and some great pictures) this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas (in advance)!!!!

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