Monday, November 1, 2010


Sundays are weird days for us. This "day of rest" is the busiest, craziest day crammed into about 4 hours. Those of you who go to church every Sunday morning may think you know what they are like. Let me tell you, life in a Pastor's house on Sunday mornings are different. Other PK's can attest to this. If you're a PK and life wan't like this, PLEASE tell me what your pastor parent did to avoid this.

Here were a couple of highlights of this Sunday at home, before leaving for church.

Jon asked "How seriously do we want to take the golden rule?"
Translation: "when do we wake a sleeping baby?"

Isn't he precious? So big. So soundly's been a long time since I got to take a picture of him sleeping. (stay tuned for the upcoming saga of transition from crib to big boy bed)

Meanwhile....Downstairs, coffee was a-brewing!

Yes, our coffee make has a gauge that looks just like the gas gauge on your car, just a different kind of fuel.

And on Sundays, for 2 adults, we have 3 mugs. It's a two mug morning for Jon, one cools a bit while he downs the other one.

THEN, we go to church. Where Jon finishes his sermon, script, powerpoint (with Joseph in his office), I get lots of audio equipment set up in the sanctuary and practice with the choir.

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