Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Last night, Jon said "I close my eyes and all I can see is water pouring." We had over a foot (I didn't measure) downstairs in the basement after 2 days of pouring rain. We have a sub-pump that has been working like crazy for days now, but it's hard to accomplish something when the world around you is fighting against you. Picture this: Lots of water in the basement, up through the sub-pump it goes, pouring outside onto the grass alongside the house. It floods outside, seeping back into the already saturated grass and dirt. Back downstairs it looks we have taped into the ground through the field stone foundation; water was and still is, literally pouring back onto the basement floor. The fire department came yesterday and helped pump out a good 10 inches of water, but their pumps can only bring it down to about 2-3 inches. Awesome, but with this recycling issue, we just are where we are. As this progressed yesterday, we lost 2 pilot lights, one for our heat and one for our hot water. The wonderful plumber came yesterday, 3 kids in tow, to relight them. BUT, he could only do one. We have heat, but no hot water. The 2-3 inches still on the floor is enough to prevent us from being able to light the pilot light. We keep trying to plug the holes, but there's only so much we can do. On the GOOD side, it's supposed to be sunny and warm for several days in a row. Hopefully it will be enough (despite the fact that the area of terra firma that's saturated is in complete shade) to dry up enough so that the pump can feel successful after several days working lots of overtime.

My renewed mission: Rainboots. Why you ask? Oh yes, I forgot to mention. Yesterday morning, I walked barefoot through the foot or so of FREEZING (you can see your breath in the basement) water in attempt to plug the holes.


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